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Lenham Storage Co. Ltd. Ham Lane
Lenham, Maidstone, Kent ME17 2LH
Tel. 01622 858 441
Fax. 01622 850 469
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Lenham Storage Company Limited – Gender Pay Gap Report 2024
Lenham Storage is required to publish a gender pay gap report and the report is based upon information as of the 5th April 2024.
When calculating the difference in average earnings the gender pay gap takes into account all jobs at all levels and all salaries within the business. This has the result of generating a gender pay gap based on many different reasons.
The requirements stipulate that companies must show the overall mean and median gender pay gap based upon the hourly rates as well as breaking this down to show the gender distribution across four equally sized quartiles based upon the pay range.
1. The mean gender pay gap is 7.9% (2023 : 10.2%)
2. The median gender pay gap is 7.6% (2023 : 10.7%)
3. The mean bonus gender pay gap is -64.0% (2023 : -59.1%)
4. The median bonus gender pay gap is 24.0% (2023 : 1.3%)
5 The proportion of males receiving a bonus payment is 20.4% (2023 : 18.9%)
The proportion of females receiving a bonus payment is 22.9% (2023 : 23.6%)
6 The proportion of males and females in each quartile
upper quartile – Male 89% Female 11% (2023 : Male 90%, Female 10%)
upper middle quartile – Male 78% Female 22% (2023 : Male 78%, Female 22%)
lower middle quartile – Male 72% Female 28% (2023 : Male 67%, Female 33%)
lower quartile – Male 57% Female 43% (2023 : Male 57%, Female 43%)
This is the eighth that Lenham Storage has reported mean and median gender pay gap information. The mean gender pay gap has fallen in 2024 to 7.9%. Lenham Storage is confident that its gender pay gap does not stem from paying men and women differently for the same or equivalent work, rather its gender pay gap is the result of the roles in which men and women work within the business and the salaries that these roles attract.
Lenham Storage Company Ltd is committed to improving our practices to combat any kind of slavery and human trafficking.
Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain.
Lenham Storage Company Ltd have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and we are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our own business or in any of our supply chains.
The Modern Slavery Act 2015 (MSA 2015) requires large businesses, with turnover over £36 million, to be transparent about their efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking. This statement therefore explains the steps we have taken to ensure slavery and trafficking is not taking place in any of our supply chains or any part of our business.
Lenham Storage Company Ltd employs over 567 people in the UK. We have an annual turnover of £53.06 million.
Established in 1946, we’re a medium sized family-owned and run business with major customers, operating in the large and competitive market place of logistics. We hold our own against far bigger logistics names because of our specialist knowledge and focus, excellent delivery and concentration on customer relationships.
We are a major employer in Lenham, Kent and also have locations in Sittingbourne and Aylesford. We operate a specialised food-grade distribution network with a daily nationwide service to major multiples, cash and carry outlets, food service outlets, wholesalers, independent outlets, high street retailers and restaurants, hotels, farm shops and garden centres with an excellent track record of meeting On Time In Full (OTIF) targets.
Our supply chains include the purchase of equipment and services relating thereto, consumables and packaging. We source these items globally from many vendors.
We promote action to ban slavery and human trafficking from our supply chain.
We ask our suppliers to commit to the ethical business principles set out in our Supply Chain Agreement on Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking. We ask our suppliers to be transparent and accountable by confirming in a written statement that they, and their own supply chain, are free of slavery, servitude, forced labour and human trafficking.
We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. We comply with our Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy and our Equal Opportunity & Dignity at Work Policy which reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and promoting this approach in our supply chains.
All Lenham Storage Company Ltd staff are required to abide by all of our published policies and procedures in order to ensure that Lenham Storage Company Ltd exhibit and promote ethical business activities. As a company, we strive to inform all our staff and supply chain of their responsibilities to report on any activity that is, or has the potential to be in breach of our Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy.
For the services that we sell, Lenham Storage Company Ltd procurement staff are expected to identify and assess potential risk areas in the supply chain and work with suppliers in those areas in order to seek to establish that those suppliers act in accordance with our Supply Chain Agreement on Antislavery and Human Trafficking. The following related policies and procedures are in place at Lenham Storage Ltd:
We promote action to ban slavery and human trafficking from our supply chain. Lenham Storage Company Ltd aims to reflect its standards and actions for tackling this subject in cooperation agreements with suppliers and business partners.
For products that we source ourselves and for services, we ask our suppliers to be transparent and accountable by confirming in a written statement that they, and their own supply chain, are free of slavery, servitude, forced labour and human trafficking.
To ensure an understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, training forms part of the induction process for all individuals who work for us, and regular training will be provided as appropriate thereafter.
Lenham Storage Company Ltd intends to continue strengthening its commitment to important human rights matters such as the elimination of slavery and human trafficking by increasing awareness in its workforce. Following the issuing of our Supply Chain Agreement on Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking to Lenham Storage Company Ltd.’s current supply chain, the Company will continue to roll out the Supply Chain Agreement on Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking to all new members of Lenham Storage Company Ltd Supply Chain during the current financial year.
Following a review of the effectiveness of the steps we have taken to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains we intend to take the following further steps to combat slavery and human trafficking.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes the slavery and human trafficking statement for Lenham Storage Company Ltd for the financial year ending August 2025.
This policy is implemented in accordance with the Criminal Finances Act 2017 and the firm meets all of its requirements under this act. It applies to all individuals working with the Firm, including directors, managers, employees, consultants, contractors, casual workers, agency staff, volunteers, or any other person connected to the Firm’s business or any of its subsidiaries or their employees located in the UK and abroad.